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What Are the Signs of a Skunk Infestation?

What Are the Signs of a Skunk Infestation?<br/>What Indicates a Skunk Infestation? <br/>Which Indications Point to a Skunk Infestation?

Recognizing the signs of a skunk infestation early can help you address the issue before it becomes severe. Craig Wildlife Control outlines the key indicators to look for and how to manage a skunk problem effectively.

Detecting Skunk Activity

One of the most noticeable signs of a skunk infestation is the strong, unpleasant odor they produce. Craig Wildlife Control points out that skunks use their spray as a defense mechanism, and a persistent, musky smell around your property can indicate their presence. Additionally, skunks are nocturnal animals, so you might hear unusual scratching or digging noises at night, especially if they are searching for food or making a den.

Other signs include visible tracks in the soil or mulch, as skunks have distinctive footprints. If you notice these odors or sounds, it’s important to investigate further to determine if you have a skunk problem and to seek prompt assistance from Craig Wildlife Control.

Evidence of Skunk Damage

Craig Wildlife Control also advises looking for physical evidence of skunk activity around your property. Skunks are known to dig in yards or gardens while searching for insects or grubs, leaving behind small holes and disturbed soil. They may also create burrows under decks, sheds, or in the foundation of your home.

If you find these signs of damage or notice that your garbage cans have been overturned or rummaged through, it’s likely that skunks are involved. Additionally, skunks may leave behind droppings that can help confirm their presence. Addressing these signs quickly with the help of Craig Wildlife Control can prevent further damage and help resolve the infestation effectively.

For effective and humane wildlife control, trust Craig Wildlife Control. Contact us today for a free consultation and let our experts keep your property safe and pest-free. Call now!